Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Oh My Friends : Where Would I Be Without You All

Hello Friends ,
As August,the month of friendship has passed by,I was pondering about what to write about this strange yet beautiful relation.Strange,because many people walk in and walk out of your lives,some pause and move by,some stop and leave their footprints on your heart and that's what makes this relation beautiful.Beautiful : As Friends,whom you don't choose as they just walk into your lives and do such things that beautifies your life and the relationship you share with them.As I am 32 now,I would like to pay my heartiest gratitude to all those who have made me believe in the significance of this relation called FRIENDSHIP: A ship that sails into your life,sails you and also rescues you sometimes from the tempest of your life.Such are a bunch of my evergreen friends.Starting from my school days among all my gang of school pals was one named Shiju Krishnan,Shiju, a boy,a friend : People say a boy and a girl can never be JUST friends : But that 
"JUST "described our relation : The Best friends.Come college days and there I find my Darling Shalini Dora : The one whose home I parked my bycycle to leave for tutions and college,shared breakfast at her place and she guiding me and rescuing me from the drowning organic formulas of Chemistry.Bose, as I address my post graduation mate : BOSE was the BOSS of my life : A sister away from my sister , we had the real fun of life together be it bunking,burning night oil studying,racing our hero Puch,commenting on any passerby at college,rescuing each other of the unwanted boys of our livesnad all. Leena : The miss intellectual who always guided us in the depths of English literature and not to forget sharing her private study notes with us so that we all could pass our exams at the same level.Come my professional life and I am lucky to not find one but six gems in my school:My colleagues, my friends,my guide:sharing lunch,gossiping,partying,sharing their mobiles so that I could talk to my love far away from my city,counselling my love troubled life :Kapoor Sir,Meenakshi Ma'am,Neetu,Sangeeta,Rakhi :My lifeguards.Prodipto, a boy younger to me in age but matching my mental level and counselling me,keeping my secerts and what not:A great buddy.Harmani,who like my younger sister always was there for me and I for her to the level that she is blessed with her love marriage arranged by me and her husband.Post marriage got those who are still sharing the bond of friendship with me in ways innumerable:Shopping,doing makeup,cooking,cleaning utensils after party,getting together for fun,sporting,laughing,counselling,parting,nightouts:My Friends,Vaishali,Ketki,Manisha:A family away from my family.Two very special friend,a friend named Siddharth and Mohit:One loves unconditionaaly and the other honours me and our unconditional relation by allowing me to purchase his engagement ring and last but not the least my hubby : Brijesh, my pal : It was love with him first and then friendship:Be it Shiju,Leena,Shalini,Jaya,Vaishali,Mohit etc : names differ but what keeps them similar is that they have been blessed with the power to love, love as a friend,a guide,a soul mate and they are doing it aptly and I, feeling warm,proud,happy,contended under their friendship cover:Thanks all :They say there's no sorry or thank you in friendship but for me it does as that's what I can feel and return in all that you were,are and will be showering on me . 
Well all said and done : Finally:

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will."

And you all are a part of " who always will " :)
Thank you for making my life worthwhile and beutiful and when looking back on my life I will very happily love to cover all the milestones carrying your names :)

1 comment:

  1. I have been very lucky to have you as a friend Divya...wherever life takes us, we know there is someone we can always count on...
