Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I am God

 Hello Friends,
 Today I speak to you,be you of any caste,creed or community,doesn't matter because what I am, so Are You : Human : God's own children and to those who differentiate between their religion and others and those who look down upon others who belong to their low strata of society forget that,when You as a HINDU ring a bell in the temple or read a prayer in the church or lift your hands and bow your head before Allah or bow your head before a holy book ,what do you ask for : For your peace, your family's peace,wealth and health : All of us ask for the same thing : Happiness and courage to fight the odds.What do you think?A Muslim's prayer reaches heaven before a Hindu's or do you think that you belonging to forward caste of your self proclaimed caste based divided society have the answers to your prayers before some one below you in caste : NO.Most of you are wrong.God is one.Why don't you understand? Look at us,we are one,we breathe and we feel: We are HUMANS.We all are one not u,I or they : We are one : Look into each other what do you see?Is he different from you,no, he is just like you, though the paths selected by you and him to reach God are different,but the destination is one :God,where?outside you?No,but inside you : Look at yourself : Where do you get the courage to fight your troubles,or how do you achieve success or how do you overcome your short comings : By visiting a holy place or lighting a lamp or an incense stick?You think some super natural power of your belief works wonders for you : No my brother, its you that makes magic happen in your lives,its your determination and attitude : An attitude of a never say die spirit.So respect the mould you have been gifted,its the temple of God : Of you : Look at each other with respect because he is what you are.Even if you still argue how can we be like others?Then, my dear friends,look around you, everything in this world is similar,be it trees,fruits, flowers or animals.They live in close harmony with each other and perform their duty without any bias towards us and each other.Everything created in this universe ultimately comes down to ONE :ONE GOD which need not say further is common to one and all , so don't stoop to such levels that would make you not only different from us but also ashamed of yourself when you look at your reflection in the mirror.Remember,We are one : You are precious:I am precious:You are God's own creation so am I :Value it and others around you.

"Different things delight different people. But it is my delight to keep the ruling faculty sound without turning away either from any man or from any of the things which happen to men, but looking at and receiving all with welcome eyes and using everything according to its value."

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Oh My Friends : Where Would I Be Without You All

Hello Friends ,
As August,the month of friendship has passed by,I was pondering about what to write about this strange yet beautiful relation.Strange,because many people walk in and walk out of your lives,some pause and move by,some stop and leave their footprints on your heart and that's what makes this relation beautiful.Beautiful : As Friends,whom you don't choose as they just walk into your lives and do such things that beautifies your life and the relationship you share with them.As I am 32 now,I would like to pay my heartiest gratitude to all those who have made me believe in the significance of this relation called FRIENDSHIP: A ship that sails into your life,sails you and also rescues you sometimes from the tempest of your life.Such are a bunch of my evergreen friends.Starting from my school days among all my gang of school pals was one named Shiju Krishnan,Shiju, a boy,a friend : People say a boy and a girl can never be JUST friends : But that 
"JUST "described our relation : The Best friends.Come college days and there I find my Darling Shalini Dora : The one whose home I parked my bycycle to leave for tutions and college,shared breakfast at her place and she guiding me and rescuing me from the drowning organic formulas of Chemistry.Bose, as I address my post graduation mate : BOSE was the BOSS of my life : A sister away from my sister , we had the real fun of life together be it bunking,burning night oil studying,racing our hero Puch,commenting on any passerby at college,rescuing each other of the unwanted boys of our livesnad all. Leena : The miss intellectual who always guided us in the depths of English literature and not to forget sharing her private study notes with us so that we all could pass our exams at the same level.Come my professional life and I am lucky to not find one but six gems in my school:My colleagues, my friends,my guide:sharing lunch,gossiping,partying,sharing their mobiles so that I could talk to my love far away from my city,counselling my love troubled life :Kapoor Sir,Meenakshi Ma'am,Neetu,Sangeeta,Rakhi :My lifeguards.Prodipto, a boy younger to me in age but matching my mental level and counselling me,keeping my secerts and what not:A great buddy.Harmani,who like my younger sister always was there for me and I for her to the level that she is blessed with her love marriage arranged by me and her husband.Post marriage got those who are still sharing the bond of friendship with me in ways innumerable:Shopping,doing makeup,cooking,cleaning utensils after party,getting together for fun,sporting,laughing,counselling,parting,nightouts:My Friends,Vaishali,Ketki,Manisha:A family away from my family.Two very special friend,a friend named Siddharth and Mohit:One loves unconditionaaly and the other honours me and our unconditional relation by allowing me to purchase his engagement ring and last but not the least my hubby : Brijesh, my pal : It was love with him first and then friendship:Be it Shiju,Leena,Shalini,Jaya,Vaishali,Mohit etc : names differ but what keeps them similar is that they have been blessed with the power to love, love as a friend,a guide,a soul mate and they are doing it aptly and I, feeling warm,proud,happy,contended under their friendship cover:Thanks all :They say there's no sorry or thank you in friendship but for me it does as that's what I can feel and return in all that you were,are and will be showering on me . 
Well all said and done : Finally:

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will."

And you all are a part of " who always will " :)
Thank you for making my life worthwhile and beutiful and when looking back on my life I will very happily love to cover all the milestones carrying your names :)

Friday, 26 August 2011

I love you , I love you , I love you.....

Hello friends,
From where to start, from " I ", from "love" or from "you".I am at loss of words today when it comes to encompassing all the emotions involved in these three most priceless words : Words which one craves to listen,to tell,to feel : I love you : What a fresh breath it leaves when uttered off..In childhood we never knew the meaning of it and if we did also we considered it as a crime or an embarrassment to utter it to some boy or girl we liked,but then as we come closer to adolescence we slowly realise the excitement attached to these three words.We all are so excited to utter these words to those whom we love that we dream of the situation,
the dress,the surrounding,the occassion to speak out these words to that special person.But its often found that the excitement fades away with time as we move on in our lives and meet new people(I don't completely disagree with the fading part because some of our adolescents are serious about their relations too .)
Lets move on , when we reach a mature age level where we can judge and choose people, we get lucky enough to get our special person :Of course ,there is excitement but more than that there is a sense of commitment attached which these three precious words are all about.A love at this age is very tender yet serious and very deeply rooted in one's heart :  A break away from the partner whom you have said :" Hey!!!! I  love you",doesn't make you forget that person as you know that they were not just words for you but they were words of your heart said with commitment,hence,cant be forgotten.Friends,"I love you" is an epitome of love in itself : Only said when needs to be said and only to the right person and at the right time.......If not said so , it may abandon you and leave you with only the memoirs of the days spent together:Days which can never come back.
well,all said and done so far : I am happy that at least I know of a few such people who revered these three words and are happy telling them to those whom they said earlier and also those who said it to their soul mates but couldn't get too far with them but still carry the same feeling for them with respect deep within their hearts.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

papa papa :)

Hello friends ,
We all are proud owners of a very special relationship in our lives : A relationship with a Dad : My dad as is known in our family had seen all the hardships in his life, be it his clothes which were made out of a postman's sack(as my grandfather was a postmaster and was not very well off) in which he carries letters,his education which had to be stopped from pursuing higher studies due to shortage of funds,but still securing a position of 17 in the entire Lucknow university,working at the tender age of 17 to run his family of 6 members including 3 sisters and a younger brother:He like any responsible  elder son contributed throughly from his heart and pocket to get them educated and married : My father,stood  by his family in thick and thin.But you  see nothing is permanent in this transistory life,so are the relations,after loosing his younger brother to cancer and his father , he was all broken up and as the other family members flourished in their lives and enjoyed all the luxuries of their lives they slowly forgot their elder brother : As he was just a government servant and they, heads of govt.institutions now.They started taking him for granted , his kids would be treated with partiality as they were not as well  off them .But still my father never let us see his heart breaks in front of us as he was our father,he had to be our hero :He stood strong against all odds:Odds inexplainable and numerous.Though sometimes I had seen him talking to my mother with tears in his eyes that, look what did I earn in my life ,my own family is not with me,whom will I look for in my old age,my mom always comforted him saying that you have two daughters,but then he would say that they are daughters once married would leave and get buzy in their lives,but my mom always said that they are not like others,they are like your two sons:Responsible for you:Just watch. Today, when he is 61 yr old grey haired,retired,riding his scooter,a scooter which he would never had thought of replacing with a car as he had two daughters to be dropped off at school or college or to be married off.Now that we are married , he still does not do away with it as that's what remained faithful to him be it in arranging for his daughter's wedding or riding them to their marriage locations.True, its said that a man is known by the company he keeps : A company of his wife,his daughters,his son-in-laws and his 5 yr old grandson and yes, his scooter:We stood besides him when all others shed away.Today,My dad,never feels any regrets about his life or about loosing his close relations because he is proud that today when he needs someone to care for him,he knows he can count on six persons in his life:His only treasured treasure of all his 61 years :  A treasure which will always keep him rich : Thank you dad :We all are proud of you :)

Monday, 15 August 2011

To sister with love

Hello friends,
As I celebrated Rakshbandhan this 13th august far away from my elder sister , I realized the importance of the sacred thread the Rakhi tied around the wrist of the one whom you love : Your siblings and my sister Billu as I always called her : Born an year ahead of me , made her responsible and caring and protective for everyone around in the family and especially me : Her younger sister . I have seen her grown up , succeeding in school, wining trophies ,scoring highest scores in all subject and I always the one in school watching her orate,debate,race and receive trophies.I always clapped for her and took pride in knowing that I have a sister like mine.I have rightly used the word pride because she was always besides me with her arms across
 me,protecting me, be it from the school boys from approaching me,hiding my poor scores in mathematics from parents and when discovered wiping my tears off after I being scolded and encouraging me, protecting from the rouges, always keeping a watch from her class window across to mine to see that I am safe and happy.As we attained adolescence,I thought I was grown up and could do without her,so I made a lot of friends : Friends,who slowly came so close to me that I started keeping secrets of my infatuations from her and other little insignificant facts of the past.But blood relation are blood relation,when my secrets were out, I was scolded ,not talked to,but its the blood relation : Can be upset,but never will disown you : I slowly realized this fact that one has to be faithful to family first and then to the outside world.When my sister came of marriageable age, 3 1/2 years had passed by to find a good match for her irrespective of she being a brilliant and strong charactered girl.My dad was loosing hope in finding a good match , my sister was not willing to marry and leave us all but also wanted dad to be free of all his worries as any responsible daughter would.She helped my dad in finding matches for her by regularly visiting internet cafes for the matrimonial links,spending hours in front of the monitor,but to no use.At night,we used to sit out together watching at the sky and talking : God is watching us and surely he will take our parents worry away:Saying it she had tears in her eyes as she was expecting against hope : But then at the end of 3 1/2 years she found the best match : A match which had wiped all the tears and sweat of all those years passed by.When I came of marriageable age I fell in love with a boy against my family wishes:She could not confide in my decision as it was she and my family who always took decisions for me from the very start,but I was happy about one thing that I dint hide my love from my family and told them right away as in so many years their love and care had made me responsible enough to stand by my decision and wait for their consent , it took 3 1/2 years exactly as my sister to get acceptance for my  marriage , but what's in destiny can't be changed,as she was far away she couldn't realize that her younger sister was getting married the very next day my family had consented : she tried desperately to convince my husband that she ( I ) is the only sister I have please give me a months time as I want her to get married the way she deserves , any sister deserves,let me decorate my younger sister as a bride with my own hands but the previous circumstances had been such that my husband found hard to believe her words , I also requested him but as all was finalized and as my parents too said to get married at the set date and not to postpone it. Realizing  I was getting married she immediately along with her husband and her young one drove whole night and day but failed to reach in time and had to meet me at my in-laws home all decked up as a bride:she was shocked to see me , her sister ,her young one all so decked up as bride and surrounded by new family members.she still had those worries of whether I am safe and happy in her watery eyes when she embraced me.She while seeing me and my husband off the railway station requested him with folded hands to take care of me and never let me cry just like an elder sister would.Today we are happy in our lives and still bonded by the sacred thread of Rakhi also what it stands for even if far away.
That's my sister Deepti : My guardian angel ,My life , My God

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Weekday colours

Hello friends,
Here are some interesting facts from astrology about the colours to be adorned on particular weekdays,its interesting to know the following and if a believer do practice them :
Monday: Lord Shiva rules on Mondays. White is the colour for Mondays and therefore wearing white dresses and keeping white flowers at home are recommended on Mondays. It is a good day for men seeking favours from women and for making new friends. Taking honey and cucumber on Mondays is likely to yield good results.
Tuesday: Red being the most suitable colour for Tuesdays, wearing red clothes and keeping red flowers at home on the day may prove to be good. Men shall be courageous on the day and Tuesdays are the most suitable days to settle long-standing issues with the police and army. Administrative and hard laborious work should be undertaken on Tuesdays.

Wednesday: Ruled by Mercury, the day is most suitable for activities involving cerebral faculties, banking, finance, crop and grain trading and the acquisition of wealth. Wednesday is ideal for romance. All activities requiring cerebral input and intellectual faculties are recommended on Wednesdays. (…) The day is ideal for planting trees, as green is the colour of the day. Keeping green plants at home, wearing green clothes and eating beans and gota mungdal on Wednesday would ensure good effects.

Thursday: Though travelling is virtually a taboo on Thursdays, efforts to retrieve lost wealth and articles are expected to succeed if undertaken on Thursdays. Thursday is an excellent day to join any educational institute or to begin any academic pursuits; such activities should, however, be undertaken in the first half of the day. (…) Wearing yellow or off-white clothes, keeping yellow or off-white flowers at home and eating arhar dal, papaya and rice with ghee on Thursdays may bring in good results.

Friday: Shukra (Venus) and Bhubaneshwari Devi rule Friday and promise success, especially to women. Happiness permeates the day. Friendship blossoms and effortless gains are natural events of the day. Most suitable for the purchase of new vehicles, Friday is also a good day for medical treatments of serious illness, as the healing energies are most active on the day. It is a day for purchasing jewellery, precious stones, ornaments and new houses. (…) Very light blue or white are the colours of the day.

Saturday: If you are besieged by nagging interminable legal problems, launch an all out effort to resolve the problem on Saturdays. Any work initiated in the first half on Saturday carries a high possibility of success. anyone leading a pious lifestyle on the day, bereft of luxuries, eating sesame seed paste and grilled black brinjal, keeping purple flowers at home and wearing black clothes, is likely to receive success and blessings of Shani or Saturn.

Sunday: An excellent day to undertake journeys, Sunday is also an extremely conducive day on which to resolve old disputes. Sunday, being a day for celebration, is the most suitable day to feed and entertain friends and family. (…) If one wears pink or maroon clothes on Sundays one can make friends easily and will enhance one’s personality. It is the day which is most suitable to initiate discussions and negotiations about new projects with government officials.

Friday, 22 July 2011

love love love

Hello friends,
What exactly is love : Has anyone been able to fully define it or embrace it or had explored the limits of love only if it has any?What are the various forms of it, is it limitless,timeless,ageless and formless.Does it enclose only sighs,tears,laughter or some other emotions too.I have not yet been able to explore it fully,the more I think of it and live with it , it seems more and more profound to me : It seems so addictive to write about that it seems to pull me towards its own abyss. What seems to me love is in what i can see and feel.See and feel in a love of a father holding his young one's little finger and assisting him to walk or in a mother's wait for her kids to return back from school to serve hot lunch or of a wife ironing her husband's clothes while he leaves for office or seeing him off till he vanishes away from her sight or is it when a daughter plants a few seeds of Tulsi (a sacred plant of Hindus) plant given by her mother to be planted seven seas far away and the prayer of its sprouting and tears of joy rolling down the girl's eye to see it sprout and grow,as it grows in her mother's homeland or is it in the holding of a frail old man's hand by his or her grandchilren for a walk or is it when your pet sees you weep and licks off your rolling tears from your cheek or is it in the last kiss of a soldier to his motherland while he falls down in her lap saving her integrity or is it in the sight of your lover on seeing whom you always have a goose bump or is it that special first love and lost  feeling which still lurks in a corner of your heart or is it in the tiny hand of a daughter's hand which wipes off your sweat after a hard day's work or is it in a friend hiding your fault in front of a teacher and taking its blame or is it when you see a mother monkey embracing her young one against her breast or in Mirabai's love for the idol of Lord Krishna............what?what exactly is love,is it bound to a person,or to a bond .Of course not,it's much beyond all these mortal bonds, beyond anyone could have written about or imagined of .But, one things off sure, whatever love is, it is the very basis of humanity....something san (without) which we all would loose the threads of our connectivity and existence. love is something eternal and unconditional.The aspects and degree may change but not the essence.So if you have not loved you have not lived : Come Fall and grow in the essence of love and gift yourself and others a beautiful life :)

Sunday, 17 July 2011

A husband : A wife : A soul

Hello friends,
Falling in new depths of love is not so easy after marriage whether loved or arranged , it requires a husband and a wife to be sincere,caring,trustworthy,respectable for his or her presence in each others lives.A husband was a son in past,someone who has seen how his father had kept his mother besides him with respect and would learn the same from what he has seen since his childhood and implements it even better in his responsibility of caring towards his wife.A husband takes the place of a girl's family:A place kept so highly revered by the girl.He walks into her life with many promises and she enters in his with many hopes.Hopes which are metaphysical:Hopes of looking at each other whenever but with pride,a feeling of belongingness presiding throughout the day and the years passing by,walking besides each other holding hands,looking into each others eyes seeing the new found eternal spark of love and passion for each other.A hope of getting absorbed into the new world build by him for her:A world where he sees himself growing old with her and being cared for.Her world belongs where he belongs,where she can see him fulfilling his promises and she seeing her hopes being painted by him onto the canvas of their lives with all the glorious colours.This not only creates a rainbow of vibrant colours around them but a husband and a wife also sees to it that there is always a shower of love to see that the rainbow surrounds them forever.This is the journey my friends,when travelled upon by both the partners besides each other fulfilling each other's hopes and promises,painting ones lives with hues of passion and dedication inturn leading them to a point where a husband becomes a part of a wife's soul and a wife his.A body of two to see but a soul of one to feel :)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The real jewel of a woman

Hello friends,
We all know the significance of shringaar : this adorns a Hindu bride or  a woman.The term shringar is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi, who is a model wife and the representation of female beauty, good luck, prosperity and fertility. Indian women wear her original beauty ornaments in the form of sindoor, laung (nose pin), earrings, bangles, rings, payal and nupur (bichuye). Well if you  dont know the significance and are not wearing any of the shringaar then below is the list of the shringaar and their religious and medical significance:
SINDOOR: sindoor which an Indian married women applies on her middle parting signifies brahmnadi- this brahmnadi is believed to be weak in women’s which unable them to take decisions. Applying sindoor in middle partition means strengthen your ability to take decisions. 
NUPUR(bichuye):nupur which is used to wear in second finger of both the feet’s.the nerve in this toe is believed to  have a nerve running to the uterus which inturn keeps it healthy. It is also believed that the nerve of this finger in which nupur is being worn directly connected to heart.
MANGALSUTRA: It bears an utmost importance in women’s life without this amulet no marriage is completed. It is one of the essential adornments of women which she needs to wear whole of her life as proof of her marriage and bonding with her spouse.Mangalsutra is believed to have divine powers. Each of the black beads in the Mangalsutra, signify protection from evil power and are believed to protect the marriage of a couple, essentially the life of the husband. 
BINDI:is the primary shringar and a sacred symbol of suhag- her husband. Bindi has a very strong implication in women’s life. A dot or point is the abode of Shiva and Shakthi.The bindi is declared to be very helpful for the good health of the brain, eyes, ears and the nose because these applications maintain a fine pull on the veins and nerves underneath the forehead, nose-root and forearm’s skin to monitor proper flow of blood. The forebrain controls the decision making part of the brain. In acupressure methods it is considered to be the most sensitive part of the body responsible for alertness and hence the use of Bindi for the forehead is justified. It also provides warmth to the pituitary glands located near the Thalamus.
NOSE-PIN: also called laung, is the other ornament and shringar which married women wear on her nose.Ayuveda, which is part of the Indian Vedic Scripts, states that Nose too linked with the female reproductive organs; accordingly the nose piercing is supposed to make childbirth easier and lessen period pain during women's natural menstrual course and periods.
MEHENDI:Henna is the next most important shringar of women which is applied on hands and feets. It is believed that the more the colour of henna, the more her husband loves her.It can also help in lowering body temperature and soothe headaches, fevers, burning feet and even hysteria or a violent temper. It can increase the luster of nails, is effective in muscular rigidity and even in Jaundice.
BANGLES:are another symbol of beauty and shringar for married women. Generally gold and red glass bangles are worn by married women which signify sacredness.
Bangle Color : Meaning
1)Red : Energy

2)Blue : Tranquility/Wisdom

3)Purple : Independence

4)Green : Luck/Married Status

5)Yellow : Happiness

6)Orange : Success

7)White : New Beginnings

8)Black : Power

9)Silver : Strength

10)Gold : Fortune

During an Indian wedding, the bride tries to wear the smallest glass bangles. She is helped by her best friend or sister to do this using scented oil. It’s believed that smaller bangles symbolize a happy and loving marriage .Bangles and Husband and Luck – A married Indian woman is required to wear bangles (green or red depending on which region they belong to) on a day to day basis because bangles are symbolic of safety, marriage and luck for their husbands.
So girls remember "A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness"  :)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

That special person

Hello friends,
Seldom do we come across people who walk into our lives and leave their footprints forever.It would be right to say that they are God sent angels in our lives.Such a special person entered my life too and gifted it with happiness and reverence for him.But the relation which I shared with him was also strange : I still ponder what to name our relation and this confusion erupts in my heart because when we were attending our college together we only knew each other by face,he kept on gazing at me during our classes and as i felt awkward about it I drifted away from him , but slowly n steadily we started communicating and within a year he became a very good friend of mine.We would go for picnic,tea break and chatting often.He regularly visited my home and soon won the hearts of my parents who treated him like their own son.Once it so happened that by the end of our two years of studies he came to my home,that visit which he made on that day had some strange air around it.While I ,he and my dad were chatting , he would often look at me and I could sense easily that he was collecting courage to say something to my dad , but I couldn't read his silence. Well,when he left for his home in nearby town on the very day , he returned back 2 days later only to inform me that his marriage had been fixed by his parents and then he broke up and confessed that he wanted to ask for my hand from my dad that day when he had come to my home,but couldn't collect the courage.But as he was very dedicated to his family,he forsake his love and married the girl of his family's choice and I was happy too as I always looked up to him as my friend in need and indeed.Well, he din't severe his ties with my family and often visited us even after his marriage with & without his family.We had a long relationship of 5 years till I fell in love with a boy and when he came to know of it ,as a true friend he supported me but also showed me the pros and cons of my love as a friend would do.When I was getting married and none of my friends attended my wedding as it was not according to social norms as I was doing an inter-caste marriage, it was him that stood by me and not only this what has still amazed me and left me bewildered till date is that when the priest in the wedding wanted someone to perform a ritual which only a brother could do in a Hindu marriage , my family said that there's no brother I have but then he said pointing out to my friend , that he can perform the role of a brother.I was shocked and suspiciously smiled at him as I knew that he was the very boy who loved me once.But this expression was not reciprocated by him,with a very somber face he religiously accepted the duty and performed the ritual which a brother performs for his sister.What's this relation to be named friends?It is above the status of a friend,a lover and a brother something which can't be named but only felt deep within one's heart.
That's my special person : Siddharth and we have come a long way of 11 years in our relation.A relation which carries no name and reasons to stay together.It just lives and grows with us.
""Never shall i forget the days i spent with you . continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours." 

Thursday, 23 June 2011

loved and lost : Gain back

Hello friends,
We all have loved at some part of our lives with those who have either become a part of our lives or someone else's.I always wonder why do people love and then loose : Is it the loss of the love or the loss of determination to standby one's love.When we fall in love we tend to be swept away in tides of imaginative feelings and experiences:Experiences which are brimming with love and love and vibrant emotions.But sweeping away in this tide one tends to have left the shore of reality far behind where not only does our existence stands but also our real selves:A world where we are what we are,our responsibilities and our birth relations stand:A place where fulfilling our dreams of a satisfactory love stands stranded : Why?Because sometimes we come to know that the boy is not of our age or the girl is not perfect for us in all situations or is of another caste or country or of lesser or very higher strata of society or it was just one of the affairs among others:It is this reality friends one should always live in immediately after falling in love because when either of you know what you are in real self with or without your blood relations is the moment when you can soar to the heights of heaven together:To a world where not only do you know that is where you wanted to be with the one you love but are also assured that when you perch down on earth you know you have made the right choice:A choice not to think of twice:A choice shared by others and a choice you will standby in all odd situations till it cements its existence :That my friends is the way to love.It ain't a joke but the very reason of our existence:Be careful its love :)

Monday, 20 June 2011

Love marriage

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close."
Hello friends,
Love,love when touches lives makes it beautiful : Love just leaves you enchanted and imaginative and when you experience these things in reality its love marriage : Marriage to the one whom you have always loved and desired for : All your dreams and  desires come true when you see him with pride beside you forever.Well,what experiences I am going to share might be true to most of you in love and the ones who married their love ,but I still want to experience the beauty of my relation in writing.The one whom I fell in love with became my heart beat and this was felt by me through every part of my body when I was taking seven rounds around the holy fire in our wedding holding his hands in whom I had given myself till eternity,his filling my hair partition with sacred red color and a black bead chain across my neck completed me with tears of joy rolling down my cheeks :An experience incomparible .This feeling extended as I left my city and boarded my first ever flight journey with him beside me and as I stepped down on to my new homeland,I touched the soil of it as it was my new home,my husband's homeland.As I reached his home and stood in front of it to be welcomed I felt the door,the walls,the sunbeam in his house and stepped in with a feeling of pride as it will be the house wherein i will live n die in and raise my family for the rest of my life:My home:My treasure.My first bike ride with him holding his shoulder from behind purchasing grocery and roaming leaves me mesmerized as I am a wife now : His better half that would not lay any stone unturned to make him a complete soul.Holding the hands of the one you have always loved and holding on till you grow old is the priceless experience which I am living to the fullest.
Hold on to him every moment you get , feel him and your life in his home : Value it every single moment and that's when you feel that its not just that you have married but that you have done a love marriage :)
"The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes."                  

Friday, 17 June 2011

What is pain ?

Hello friends ,
What is pain?
Is it when we see a poor young child shivering in cold while we cozy off in our AC cars or enjoy coffee at Baristaa
Or is it when we see someone get murdered in broad daylight while we hush off from there to save ourselves
Or is it when we read of how a minor was raped while grazing her cattle while we turned on to another interesting headline 
Or is it when we see a needy eating out of a garbage while we pass by munching burgers 
Or is it when we come across the news of innocent policemen n army personnel being killed in ambush while we pass on to see more important news such as a review of a newly released movie
Or is it when a young bride victim of dowry breathes her last in her parents arms while we complaint of how our in-laws interfere in our methods of cooking
Or is it when a young girl is being touched inappropriately in public while we move aside covering our girls 
Or is it when we see a blind man selling paper tissues at metro while we pass by thinking that we have better quality one
Or is it when you see people walking their old parents around while we lie to our parents to meet our lovers
Or is it when you see a young girl selling bangles on street while you are buzy bargaining with her the price
Or is it when you see people standing for hours to wish birthday to stars or is it when u see the solitary parents of our martyrs remebering their loved ones while going through their chilhood album all alone in a dark room
What is it? What is the real pain : well my friends real pain is what we feel when we think emphatically:"If anyone has material possesion and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, then how can the love of God be expected by  him?"
So friends, next time you feel your self proclaimed pain think of those who are truly in PAIN : REACH THE HAVE NOTS WITH YOUR HAVES and give them a life to live for and not a death to ask for :)

Friday, 10 June 2011

The sacred saath vachaan

Hello friends,

Hinduism being a symbolic religion, most rituals and ceremonies have a symbolic meaning to them 

People following Hinduism believe that if a married couple walks seven steps around the fire of the havankund, they will remain together for the lifetime. Generally, before taking the seven vows, the bride is seated to the right hand side of the groom. After taking the pheras, the bride shifts to the left side of the groom - this symbolizes that she is now closer to his heart. In most of the Hindu weddings, the newly married couple takes seven pheras or rounds, around the sacred fire. In the majority of the seven pheras, the groom leads the first four pheras, while he is preceded by the bride during the last three pheras. But have you wondered why only seven pheras or rounds around fire because number 7 has a great significance:

 let  us know the significance of 7 in this world:
-Seven colours of sunlight.
-Seven notes of music (sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni)
-Seven world above the earth.
-Seven world below  the earth.
-Seven seas and seven islands.
-Seven important matters/ substances.
-Seven important functions (evacuation of excrement, mouth cleaning, bath, meditation, meals, remembering god and sleep)
-Seven respectable ( God, Teacher, Father, Mother, Sun, Fire and Guest)
-Seven evils (Jealousy, anger, affection, malice, greed and bad thoughts.)
-Seven baths (Mantra bath, sun bath, fire bath, air bath, divine bath, mental bath and mercy bath.)
Due to the importance of number seven our divine dignitaries, included seven rounds and seven promises in a wedlock ceremony.Do we the married ones remember the seven pheras : if not, then following are the meaning of seven pheras : lets see how far are we practicing them

The Seven Vows:
You will offer me food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children.
I am responsible for the home and all household responsibilities.

Together we will protect our house and children.
I will be by your side as your courage and strength. I will rejoice in your happiness. In return, you will love me solely.

May we grow wealthy and prosperous and strive for the education of our children. May our children live long.
I will love you solely for the rest of my life, as you are my husband. Every other man in my life will be secondary. I vow to remain chaste.

You have brought sacredness into my life, and have completed me. May we be blessed with noble and obedient children.
I will shower you with joy, from head to toe. I will strive to please you in every way I can.

Groom: You are my best friend, and staunchest well-wisher. You have come into my life, enriching it. God bless you.
I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live. Your happiness is my happiness, and your sorrow is my sorrow. I will trust and honor you, and will strive to fulfill all your wishes.

May you be filled with joy and peace.
I will always be by your side.

We are now husband and wife, and are one. You are mine and I am yours for eternity.
As God is witness, I am now your wife. We will love, honor and cherish each other forever. 

I m truly blessed like others to have taken these vows with the person whom I love and also who will help me fulfill them :)

Monday, 6 June 2011

The power of prayer

Hello friends,

This is the story of a girl who was very close to her family.Being the younger one,she was always doted upon.She had everything one could want for : A loving mother,a responsible father and a caring sister.When she grew old ,she fell in love with a boy of the same qualities and values : Qualities and values she had been brought up with.But sadly,her family didn't approve of the boy as he was not of their community.But ,what did the girl do?Did she leave him?Certainly not : She along with the boy sweared to fight a silent battle : A battle against the society and the family's conventional thinking about intercaste marriages.They chose to remain isolated of eachother and serve their parents without uttering a word against all the accusations they heard of each other in their respective families.The girl was orphaned of all the love she had got from her family,but she also knew that as her love is silent ,so is her family's.The father,whose scooter she washed daily before he left for office and with whom she used to go to temple standing besides him worshipping. All of a sudden he started standing away from her and worshipping : and here she was looking at him from the other corner of the temple watching his pained eyes which prayed for getting his daughter back :and in between her father and her was the Almighty.Daily evening she looked at him,with tears in her eyes to bless her not only with the boy she loved but also to bring the day soon wherein she could stand beside her father and pray.She knew that her parents were not wrong ,but she also knew that she was not wrong : So she devoted herself in the service to lord : Every morning and evening  she would decorate her forehead with the sacred red color of god symbolising her love for her lover and the blessing of God : She talked to the Almighty : Praying for peace in family and union of the boy's family with hers.This continued for 3 1/2 years.Years of sincere devotion to god and respectful devotion to parents worked at last.All of a sudden one day,the girl's dad decided to meet the boy and within one hour of meeting, he was impressed by the boy and the next day was decided for the wedding:She had passed her early youth in craving for reuniting with her loved ones and here she was in her late youth getting married to the boy of her and her family's choice.But how could she forget the one who blessed her with this happiness,the one:The almighty who consoled her and gave her and the family patience to survive the ordeal.In this respect,She decided to sacrifice her grand wedding celebrations,which every girl's dream off and got married in a small temple with her and the boy's family and in presence of the Giver:The Lord and today she is happily married for 2 years with the boy and with both the families closely knit together.But what about her prayer :  the request to stand beside her dad and worship in the temple.Did it get fulfilled too?Indeed,today whenever I visit my native place I and my father visit the temple,we stand besides each other along with my husband and worship:On one side, my father and on other side, the blessing of God : My husband and a content family.What can I ask for more : I am content.This is my story Friends.
But, do remember from my story that when you want something and crave for it desperately , the whole universe conspires to get it for you.But, it is equally important that in the pursuit of achieving the target you should not hurt the ones around you and always listen to your heart and choose the right path.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

The healing power of touch

Hello friends,

                    Touch has a memory.
                                                      John Keats

A Touch calms us down, it is healing in the most primitive form. A touch in the form of an embrace or a kiss or holding hands does wonders,it freshens the day of people leaving for work , relaxes them when they get back home tired.A hand shake or an embrace to a friend or known one leaves pleasant feeling in our minds and as well as theirs.But, so far so said,do we really do it regularly,a few might.But for others they treasure these moments only for special occasions,occasions of bithday,anniversaries,festivals or someone's achievement. This mean that we get to hold on to our dear ones just 3-5 times  a year,that's sad. I realised this fact only after I got married. I came to stay with my mom for a few days,One day,I accidently  held her hand during a chat,and a shiver ran down my body as I realised that all my 28 yrs of my stay with my mom I never had held her hand or embraced her often , and here I was today,holding my mother's hand only to see her visibly wrinkled,frail hands:Hands which served us the whole lives.Friends,from there on I always held or embraced my parents by some or the other pretext.I still remember the last time I held my dad's hand was when I was young and he would take me along with him for a candy,thats it.Its so sad, that most of you like me must have not realised this fact till we get separated from our loved ones.But,I learnt from my ignorance and now I always embrace and greet my loved ones ,this makes my relations immortal.A touch brings a feeling of contentment,fulfillment and also a feeling of belongingness .Just try it, hold the hands of your loved ones when you talk or hug them when they are leaving for work or school.It works wonders and you know that.
"Everyone's got a heart.  Find a way to touch it!"

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A journey of love from heart to head

Hello friends,

What is love? Is it when you see your secret boy of admiration riding a bike, or when you see a movie and start seeing the heroic qualities of the reel hero all of a sudden in a boy next door;or is it when u r caught accidentally in an exchange of sight with your senior at school;or is it comforting a heart broken lover hoping to join his heart with yours; or is it that when you r busy looking for true love, u forget that someone is searching for you too as his love : who is this boy? Well a non existent for you : why so ? Well,because he doesn't have a bike, no fashion statement, no heroic qualities which you look for in ur pursuit of finding love.
But in this pursuit of exploring  love, you build up castles in dream , marriages in heaven and all of a sudden all the romantic melodies seems to be written just for you and what not... just everything around you seems like a beautiful dream except for occasional realities like your exams n results and parents scolding and yes, meeting the boy in whom u see reality not your dreams: well, in this pursuit, one"s heart is often broken , u feel let down, but Ghosh!!! It's love : can happen anytime anywhere but it's in between this anywhere and anytime and broken dreams you find someone always following you: in happiness or in sadness always a part of your real life : though not significant for you but still a part: is this love???
It is at this time that head takes over heart
and makes it clear to you that true love may not sound jingles in your ears or build up castles for you but it is real : It accepts the way you are in real not as the one in dreams: the one simple love that kept knocking at your heart while you were buzy knocking others.Indeed,love happens in reality and definitely with those people who are not like what you want them to be but who accept you as in your real self:and that's my dear friends true love :)

Monday, 30 May 2011

final analysis

Hello friends ,
we come across many people some good some bad ,all of us know dealing with the good ones, but do we really know how to deal with the bad ones and even if we know the right way to deal with them do we practice it ? lets see:
A few people may seem to be self centered behave illogically or unreasonably and in an ill mannered way : we need to ignore them or forgive them :If you are kind,people think you are selfish or have some motive : still dont leave your kindness:You may be honest and frank, people may be rude to you & hate you too :still be honest:
what you be building for years may be destroyed by someone in a day : build anyway:the good we do today, will be forgotten tommorow : do good anyway.A few of you may disagree with me , I know its sometimes difficult for me too, but then ,I remember about the FINAL ANALYSIS : YOU SEE FRIENDS, ITS THE FINAL ANALYSIS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD.IT WAS NEVER BETWEEN YOU AND THEM(the people around you) ANYWAYS :)

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Are yo u living life or designing life ???

Hello friends ,

" We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life."
my husband does the living and I the DESIGNING :)

I chose not to be a part of the RAT RACE which everyone is competing for , I dont say they are wrong because some are doing for earning a living and their better halves for fulfilling the demands of their family which is endless.I too was  a part of a race , but it was a race of my choice - a race of pleasure and contenment - I was a  teacher not educating for money but changing the lives of those who were needy, but now as I am married I chose to find the pleasure and contentment in my married life by becoming a homemaker.Though, it was my choice to be at home in the current setting ,where every woman is competing with men in all fields,I felt shy to be vocal about my status in public, but knowing the transient nature of our lives, I realized  that why should i shy away from my own choice and I collected the courage to be proud of my choice and this I got from looking around me: In the hustle and bustles of life , we ignore the greenery of trees,the chirping of birds,relaxing under a tree and feeling the rejuvenating breeze from sea shore,caressing and feeling nature and cherishing and cementing the bond with near and dear ones.
Here, I am today after 2 years of my marriage : a proud homemaker a designer of life : a choice I chose for :)

Gender Equality

Woman was taken out of man not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved

Thoughts on Adam & Eve

Men are simple things. They can survive a whole weekend with only three things: beer, boxer shorts and batteries for the remote control.
women are expensive things : they can survive a whole weekend with only 3 things :
Gossip,men's purse and and loads of shopping